A typical early 'toss shot'. |
It is 32 years since
I invented the selfie. Little did I know how the technique would sweep the
globe. How today, everyone has held out an arm to snap a shot of themselves,
sometimes even wearing clothes. How with a click of the finger it’s possible to
record yourself with friends, politicians, sportsman, actors, animals and food.
How the crude selfie-stick I made decades ago has developed into the slickest,
most high tech lengths of composite in the world. How the world’s first go-pro
that I fashioned with VHS and string has become small, robust and waterproof.
Thirty-two years. If it were a marriage it would be the diamond anniversary plus two. So it seems fitting to record how it all began. In this piece I'll reveal the story of the selfie's creation. Next week I'll write about how far the selfie has come and how a remote village in South America is challenging the world to return to the selfie's simple beginnings.
Thirty-two years. If it were a marriage it would be the diamond anniversary plus two. So it seems fitting to record how it all began. In this piece I'll reveal the story of the selfie's creation. Next week I'll write about how far the selfie has come and how a remote village in South America is challenging the world to return to the selfie's simple beginnings.